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衣学喜,男,19684 月出生,汉族,辽宁省东港市人。物理学院/365bet体育投注平台教授, 博士生导师。新加坡国立大学兼职研究员(senior research fellow2005-2014)。全国量子力学研究会理事,量子光学专业委员会委员。 2002年获教育部优秀青年教师资助,2004年入选首批教育部新世纪优秀人才,2007年辽宁省百千万人才工程(百人层次),2008年辽宁省优秀青年教师。2014年吉林省首批长白山学者。发表学术论文100多篇,获吉林省科学技术(自然科学)一等奖1项。研究方向:量子物理与量子信息;量子控制;量子器件;量子开放系统


主要教育经历: 1986/09-1990/07: 东北师范大学物理系、本科 1990/09-1993/07: 东北师范大学物理系、硕士研究生、 理论物理 1996/09-1999/06: 吉林大学物理系、博士研究生、理论物理 主要工作经历: 1993/07-1998/11: 东北师范大学物理系、助教、讲师 1998/12-2001/11: 东北师范大学物理系、副教授 2001/12-2003/02: 东北师范大学物理系、教授 2003/03-2013/10: 大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院、教授、博士生导师 2013/11-现 在: 东北师范大学物理学院/365bet体育投注平台、教授、博士生导师 博士后及国外工作经历: 1999/07-2001/06: 中科院理论物理研究所、博士后、合作导师:孙昌璞 院士 2001/06-2002/02: 德国Hannover大学、博士后、合作导师:Prof M. Lewenstein 2002/03-2003/02: 佐治亚理工(GIT)、博士后、合作导师:尤力教授 2001/01-2001/04: 德国Essen大学、访问学者 2005/07-2014/12:新加坡国立大学物理系/量子技术中心、(兼职)研究员






近五年科研项目 1. 2015-2018,准粒子的量子控制及其在量子信息处理中的应用,国家自然科学基金,85万,负责。 2. 2012-2015,量子开放系统的近似方法及其应用,国家自然科学基金,60万,负责。 3. 2011-2013,Lyapunov量子控制及其在量子信息中的应用,国家自然科学基金,30万,负责。 4. 2010-2013,量子信息启发量子操纵基础理论研究,国家自然科学基金,200万,第二参加人。 5. 2008-2010,特殊环境诱导纠缠和退相干的理论研究,国家自然科学基金,30万,负责。 6. 2010-2013,理论物理前沿“985”建设经费,教育部,200万,负责。 7. 2010-2012,量子调控的理论研究“985”基本科研业务费,30万,负责


1. X. Q. Shao, Z. H. Wang, H. D. Liu, X. X. Yi, Dissipative preparation of a tripartite singlet state in coupled arrays of cavities via quantum feedback control, Phys. Rev. A 94, 032307 (2016).

2. C. M. Dai, Z. C. Shi, X. X. Yi, Floquet theorem with open systems and its applications, Phys. Rev. A 93, 032121 (2016).

3. Z. C. Shi, H. Z. Shen, W. Wang, X. X. Yi, Response of two-band systems to a single-mode quantized field, Phys. Rev. E 93, 032120 (2016).

4. Z. C. Shi, W. Wang, X. X. Yi, Quantum gates by periodic driving, Sci. Rep 6, 22077 (2016).

5. Z. C. Shi, W. Wang, X. X. Yi, Entangled states of two quantum dots mediated by Majorana fermions, New J. Phys. 18, 023005 (2016).

6. H. Z. Shen, X. Q. Shao, G. C. Wang, X. L. Zhao, X. X. Yi, Quantum phase transition in a coupled two-level system embedded in anisotropic three-dimensional photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. E 93, 012107 (2016).

7. Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen, X. Q. Shao,X. X. Yi, Strong photon antibunching with weak second-order nonlinearity under dissipation and coherent driving, Opt. Express 24, 17332 (2016).

8. M. Qin, H. Z. Shen,X. X. Yi, A multi-pathway model for photosynthetic reaction center, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 125103 (2016).


9. Z.C. Shi, S.C. Hou, L.C. Wang, X.X. Yi, Preparation of edge states by shaking Boundaries
Annals of Physics 373 (2016) 286.

10. Z. C. Shi , W. Wang, X. X. Y i, Population transfer driven by far-off-resonant fields
Optics Express 24 (2016) 21971.


11. H. Z. Shen, M.Qin,  X. Q. Shao,  X. X .Yi
General response formula and application to topological insulator in quantum open system
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 052122 (2015).

12. Z. C. Shi, X. L. Zhao, X. X. Yi,
Preparation of topological modes by Lyapunov control
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 , 13777 (2015).

13. Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen, X. X. Yi,
Unconventional photon blockade with second-order nonlinearity
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92, 023838 (2015)

14. H. Z. Shen, Y. H. Zhou, X. X. Yi,
Tunable photon blockade in coupled semiconductor cavities
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 91 063808 (2015).

15. Z. C. Shi, X. L. Zhao, X. X. Yi,
Robust state transfer with high fidelity in spin-1/2 chains by Lyapunov control
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 91 032301 (2015).

16. S. C.Hou, S. L. Liang, X. X. Yi,
Non-Markovianity and memory effects in quantum open systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 91, 012109 (2015)

17. H. Z. Shen, Y. H. Zhou, H. D. Liu, G. C. Wang, and X. X. Yi
Exact optimal control of photon blockade with weakly nonlinear coupled cavities
OPTICS EXPRESS 23328352015

18. S. L. Wu (武松林), X. Y. Zhang (张兴远), and X. X. Yi ()
Dynamical invariants of open quantum systems
Phys. Rev. A 92, 062122 (2015)

19. M. Qin,H. Z. Shen,X. L. Zhao,X. X. Yi
Dynamics and quantumness of excitation energy transfer through a complex quantum network
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 042140 (2014)


20. H. Z. Shen, W WangX. X. Yi
Hall conductance and topological invariant for open systems
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 4 , 6455 (2014)

21. H. Z. Shen,,Y. H. Zhou,X. X. Yi
Quantum optical diode with semiconductor microcavities
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90 , 023849 (2014)

22. C. S. Yu, S. X. Wu, Wang Xiaoguang, X. X. Yi,H. S. Song
Quantum correlation measure in arbitrary bipartite systems
Europhysics Letters 107, 10007 (2014)

23. H. Z. Shen,M. Qin,X. M. Xiu,X. X. Yi
Exact non-Markovian master equation for a driven damped two-level system
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 062113 (2014)

24. Shen, H. Z.; Qin, M.; Yi, X. X.
Single-photon storing in coupled non-Markovian atom-cavity system
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88, 033835 (2013).

25. Shen, H. Z.; Xiu, Xiao-Ming; Yi, X. X.
Atom-molecule-conversion system subject to phase noises
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 063613 (2013).

26. Yu Chang-shui; Yi, X. X.; Song, He-shan;
Entangling power in deterministic quantum computation with one qubit
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 022322, (2013).

27. Huang, X. L.; Wang, L. C.; Yi, X. X.
Quantum Brayton cycle with coupled systems as working substance
PHYSICAL REVIEW E  87, 012144 (2013).

28. Yang, Y.; Zhang, X. Y.; Ma, J.
Extended techniques for feedback control of a single qubit
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 012333 (2013).

29. H. D. Liu, X. X. Yi and L. B. Fu
Berry phase and Hannay’s angle in Born-Oppenheimer Hybrid system
Annals of Physics, 339, 1 (2013).


30. X. L. Huang, T. Wang, X. X. Yi
Effects of reservoir squeezing on quantum systems and work extraction
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 86, 051105(2012)

S. C. Hou, M. A. Khan, X. X. Yi, D. Y. Dong, and I. Peterson
Optimal Lyapunov-based quantum control for quantum systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86, 022321 (2012)

31. S. C. Hou, X. X. Yi, S. X. Yu, C. H. Oh
Singularity of dynamical maps
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86, 012101 (2012)

32. Kim, Ha, Kim, Cheng-Song, Huang, Chang-Lyol, H. S. Song, X. X. Yi Bose-Einstein-condensed systems of hard spheres at high density
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 053629 (2012)

33. W. Wang, S. C. Hou, X. X. Yi
Adiabatic evolution under quantum control
ANNALS OF PHYSICS 327, 1293 (2012)

34. Kim, Ha, Kim, Cheng-Song, Huang, Chang-Lyol, H. S. Song, X. X. Yi Self-consistent t-matrix theory of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation for Bose-Einstein-condensed systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 033611(2012)

35. B. Cui, L. C. Wang, X. X. Yi
Atom-molecule conversion with particle losses
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 013618 (2012)

36. Qing Chen, Chengjie Zhang, Sixia Yu, X. X. Yi, and C. H. Oh
Quantum discord of two-qubit X states
Phys. Rev. A 84, 042313 (2011)

37. H. D. Liu and X. X. Yi
Geometric phases in a scattering process
Phys. Rev. A 84, 022114 (2011)

38. S. C. Hou, X. X. Yi, S. X. Yu, and C. H. Oh
Alternative non-Markovianity measure by divisibility of dynamical maps
Phys. Rev. A 83, 062115 (2011)  

39. H. D. Liu, S. L. Wu, and X. X. Yi
Berry phase and Hannay’s angle in a quantum-classical hybrid system
Phys. Rev. A 83, 062101 (2011)


41. Hong-Fu Wang, Shou Zhang, Ai-Dong Zhu, X. X. Yi, and Kyu-Hwang Yeon
Local conversion of four Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen photon pairs into four-photon polarization-entangled decoherence-free states with non-photon-number-resolving detectors
OPTICS EXPRESS 19, 25433(2011).

42. 喜,王林成,仝殿民,量子力展第五(第三章), 清华出版社; 第1版 (2011年11月1日)。


43. W. Wang, L. C. Wang, X. X. Yi ,C. F. Wu, C. H. Oh
Lyapunov control on quantum open systems in decoherence-free subspaces
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82,034308(2010)

44. S. C. Hou, X. L. Huang, X. X. Yi
Suppressing decoherence and improving entanglement by quantum-jump-based feedback control in two-level systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82,012336(2010)

45. X. L. Huang, S. L. Wu, L. C. Wang, X. X. Yi
Born-Oppenheimer approximation for open quantum systems within the quantum trajectory approach
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81,052113 (2010)

46. S. L. Wu, X. L. Huang, L. C. Wang, X. X. Yi,
Information flow, non-Markovianity, and geometric phases
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82, 052111 (2010)

47. B. Cui, L. C. Wang, and X. X. Yi
Time-dependent self-trapping of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential
Phys. Rev. A 82, 062105 (2010)

48. J. Shen, X. L. Huang, X. X. Yi, Chunfeng Wu, and C. H. Oh
Dynamics of quantum-classical hybrid systems: Effect of matter-wave pressure
Phys. Rev. A 82, 062107 (2010)


49. X. X. Yi, X. L. Huang, C. F. Wu, and C. H. Oh
Driving quantum systems into decoherence-free subspaces by Lyapunov control
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80,052316(2009)

50. X. L. Huang, J. L. Guo, X. X. Yi
Nonequilibrium thermal entanglement in a three-qubit XX model
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80,054301(2009).

51. X. L. Huang, X. X. Yi
Born-Oppenheimer approximation in open systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80, 032108 (2009).

52. H. Y. Sun, P. L. Shu, C. Li, X. X. Yi
Feedback control on geometric phase in dissipative two-level systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79,022119(2009).

53. Chang-shui Yu,* X. X. Yi, and He-shan Song
Evolution of entanglement for quantum mixed states
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78, 062330 (2008).

54. Chunfeng Wu, Xun-Li Feng, X. X. Yi, Isabel Meiqi Chen, and C. H. Oh
Quantum gate operations in the decoherence-free subspace of superconducting quantum-interference devices
Phys. Rev. A 78, 062321 (2008)

55. X. L. Huang, X. X. Yi, Chunfeng Wu, X. L. Feng, S. X. Yu, and C. H. Oh
Effective Hamiltonian approach to open systems and its applications
Phys. Rev. A 78, 062114(2008).

56. L. C. Wang, X. L. Huang, and X. X. Yi*
Effect of feedback on the control of a two-level dissipative
Phys. Rev.  A 78, 052112 (2008)

57. X. L. Huang, H. Y. Sun, X. X. Yi,
Non-Markovian quantum jump with generalized Lindblad master equation
Phys. Rev. E 78, 041107 (2008).

58. X. L. Huang and X. X. Yi
Non-Markovian effects on the geometric phase
EPL, 82 (2008) 50001

59. X. X. Yi, X. L. Huang, and W. Wang
Loschmidt echo and Berry phase around degeneracies
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77, 052115 (2008)

60. X. X. Yi, W. Wang,
Vector potential and Berry-phase-induced force in dissipative systems
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61. W. Wang, L. B. Fu, and X. X. Yi,
Effect of decoherence on the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential
Phys. Rev. A 75, 045601 (2007).


62. C. S. Yu, X. X. Yi, H. S. Song, D. Mei,
Robust preparation of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states for three distant atoms
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63. C. S. Yu, X. X. Yi, and H. S. Song,
Concurrence of superpositions
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64. X. X. Yi, W. Wang,
Geometric phases induced in anxiliary qubits by many-body systems near their critical points
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65. H. T. Cui, L. C. Wang, and X. X. Yi,
Effects of entanglement on off-diagonal geometric phases
Europhys. Lett. 74, 757(2006).

66. X. X. Yi, H. T. Cui, and L. C. Wang,
Entanglement induced in spin-1 /2 particles by a spin chain near its critical points
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67. X. X. Yi, D. M. Tong, L. C. Wang, L. C. Kwek, C. H. Oh,
Geometric phase in open systems:Beyond the Markov approximation and weak-coupling limit
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68. X. X. Yi, L. C. Wang, and W. Wang,
Geometric phase in dephasing systems,
Phys. Rev. A 71, 044101 (2005).

69. X. X. Yi, D. P. Liu, W. Wang,
Quantum trajectory approach to the geometric phase: open bipartite systems,
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70. E. Sjoqvist, X. X. Yi, and Johan Aberg,
Adiabatic geometric phases in hydrogenlike atoms,
Phys. Rev. A 72, 054101(2005)

71. X. X. Yi, H. T. Cui, Y. H. Lin, and H. S. Song,
Effect of intersubsystem couplings on the evolution of composite systems,
Phys. Rev. A 71, 022107 (2005).

72. X X Yi, and J L Chang,
Off-diagonal geometric phase in composite systems,
Phys. Rev. A 70, 012108 (2004)

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75. X. X. Yi, L. C. Wang, T. Y. Zheng,
Berry phase in a composite system,
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76. L. C. Wang, H. T. Cui, and X. X. Yi,
Berry’s phase with quantized field driving: Effects of intersubsystem coupling,
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77. X. X. Yi, E. Sjoqvist,
Effect of intersubsystem coupling on the geometric phase in a bipartite system,
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78. X. X. Yi, C. S. Yu,  L. Zhou, and H. S. Song,
Noise-assisted preparation of entangled atoms,
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79. L. You, X. X. Yi, X. H. Su,
Quantum logic between atoms inside a high-Q optical cavity,
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80. X. X. Yi, X. H. Su, L. You,
Conditional quantum phase gate between two-3 state atoms,
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81. K. Eckert, J. Mompart, X. X. Yi, J. Schliemann , D. Bruss, G. Birkl, M. Lewenstein,
Quantum computing in optical microtraps based on the motional states of neutral atoms,
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82. H.J. Wang, X.X. Yi, X. W. Ba, C. P. Sun,
Scattering of electrons by Bose-Einstein condensate of alkali-metal atoms,
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83. X. X. Yi, C. P. Sun,
Phase seperation of a Bose-Fermi gas mixture--Beyound the Thomas-Fermi approximation,
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84. X. X. Yi, G. R. Jin, D. L. Zhou,
Creating Bell states and decoherence effects in a quantum-dot system,
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Distillability of two entanglement particles transmitted through a noisy channel.
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Dynamics of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensation interacting with a laser field in a double-well potential.
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1. 2001中国科学院优秀博士后(10人/年) 2. 2002年获教育部优秀青年教师资助 3. 2004年入选首批教育部新世纪优秀人才 4. 2007年辽宁省百千万人才工程(百人层次) 5. 2008年辽宁省优秀青年教师 6. 2014年吉林省长白山学者。


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